Roamer Adventures Animation
Javier Rodriguez is a young entrepreneur with an amazingly passionate outlook on life. Through his company, Roamer Adventures, he is set to make a difference by bringing young adults together to travel the world, discover new cultures and experiences, and cultivate lifelong friendships.
Meeting and connecting with Javi, we spoke about the impact of digital media and its endless possibilities for awareness and growth. Because of this, I was inspired to animate a simple, customizable piece that he could use on his digital platforms for promotional content or travel video introductions.
I began in After Effects by making a wave-like motion with three blue rectangles, then used those shades to write "Ride the Wave." I went into Photoshop to create a black wave to wipe the screen, then added in text and finally the Roamer Adventures logo.
After trial and error of many techniques, I gravitated towards the simple and smooth motions of the transform menu, and fine-tuned the timing of each object. I wanted to focus on perfecting the elements I chose.
Afterwards, I paired audio to match with my work, then exported to Youtube.
Programs: After Effects, Photoshop